Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Butler Diet and other news. 29.03.11

Yesterday was the first day of my new diet. I say new diet because I've been on diets before. I'm not saying the diets haven't worked, quite the opposite, I've had some success in the past, only I eventually got resentful of the fact that I couldn't eat what I wanted to and would always rebel. I announced the beginning of the diet on Twitter and Facebook because I reckon the more people who know about it, the more chance I have of sticking to it. I feel like if I tell loads of people, and they start to support me and follow my progress, I wouldn't want to quit for fear of looking like a loser, it's why people put themselves forward for those TV shows like The Biggest Loser. I'm 41 this year and I've led a very unhealthy lifestyle which if I were to keep up, would be the end of me I'm sure. So, I bit the bullet and got on the scales.

I'm 14.12.06 stone at the moment or 197.68 Lb and I found out that my target weight is 12 stone or 168 Lb so it looks like I need to shed almost 3 stone, that's like a 5th of my weight. I joked on Twitter that I should just chop off an arm or something. It would certainly be easier to do that than give up my chocolate, my Coka Cola and all the other goodies and treats which I love to have at any given moment of the day. I recently found a bag of chocolates they sell in Poundland which are Cadbury's seconds, this means that they could have a filling in em, but more often than not, they'd be solid chocolate, I love those gorgeous little rejects. I was becoming an addict so it was time to go "cold turkey" again, literally. 

So here's the plan, no chocolate, no Coka Cola, no eating after six o'clock, no booze, sensible eating and even exercise. I did it before. I can't say I enjoyed it much though, except for Sunday's. Sunday was my cheat day, a day where I would trick my body that I wasn't on a diet by eating and drinking what the hell I liked. This way I would go back to the diet on Monday through to the Saturday and, as a result of pigging out, I would loose more weight. Who know's if this theory is true, but it was something to look forward to each week. I will be Tweeting my progress from time to time and will tag the messages. Just put #TheButlerDiet into your twitter search box. 


My brand new website is now up and running and I'm really proud of what Simon of Propulsion and myself have done. It's a great looking site with loads to see and do. You may even be there already, reading this blog directly from the site. There is so much more to check out though including The Green Room Podcast, Live Dates, and even a free TomTom voice download so you can have me telling you to get lost when you're in your car. One of my favourite things on the site is the Audioboo page which we added to the site only today.

What is an Audioboo? From time to time I make little recordings, no more than five minutes long, saying hello to people I bump into whilst I'm touring around. These could be anything from chatting to old friends, interviewing comedians or generally talking about whatever is happening right there and then.

I only started to make these recordings a little over a week ago and I'm really enjoying them, they are nice little behind the scenes moments. In the first week I've spoken with Ian Stone, Milton Jones, Adam Bloom, Geoff Boyz, Dain Cordean, Mike Milligan, Phil Walker, Dave Twentyman and Yianni Agisilaou. Hope you get a chance to take a listen.

Well that's it for now, catch you next time.

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